Wedge Sole |
(dicologoglossa cuneata) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 34 South Atlantic (Senegal) |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Atlantic cod |
(Gadus Morhua) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 21 Atlantic Northeast, FAO 27 Atlantic Northeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Tadpole codling |
(salilota australis) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 41 Atlantic Southeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Codling |
(Urophycis tenuis) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 21 Atlantic Northeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Brazilian Cod |
(urophysis brasiliensis) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 41 Atlantic Southeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Red Cod |
(Urophycis chuss) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 21 Atlantic Northeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Patagonian Redfish |
(sebastes oculatus) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 41 Atlantic Southeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Large-eyed dentex |
(dentex macrophthalmus) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 47 Atlantic Southeast (Namibia) |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Squid |
(loligo gahi) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 41 Atlantic Southeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Prawn |
(pandalus borealis) |
Country of Origin: |
Fao 21 Atlantic Northeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Saithe |
(Pollachius Virens) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 21 Atlantic Northeast, FAO 27 Atlantic Northeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Cuttlefish |
(sepia officinalis) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 34 South Atlantic (Senegal) |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Anglerfish |
(lophius litulon) |
Country of Origin: |
China – Pacific Ocean |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Common dentex |
(dentex dentex) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 34 South Atlantic (Senegal) |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Greenland halibut |
(reinhardtius hippoglossoides) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 21 Atlantic Northeast, FAO 27 Atlantic Northeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Halibut |
(hippoglossus hippoglossus) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 21 Atlantic Northeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Rodfisk |
(dicologoglossa cuneata) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 21 Atlantic Northeast, FAO 27 Atlantic Northeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Argentine red shrimp |
(hymenopenaeus muelleri) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 41 Atlantic Southeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Sharks, Skates |
(scyliorhinus stellaris) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 21 Atlantic Northeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Grenadier |
(macrourus berglax) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 21 Atlantic Northeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Grenadier |
(macrourus carinatus / caelorinchus fasciatus) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 41 Atlantic Southeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Horse mackerel |
(trachurus trachurus) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 34 South Atlantic (Senegal) |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Southern Pink shrimp |
(penaeus notialis) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 34 South Atlantic (Senegal) |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Tiger Shrimp |
(penaeus kerathurus) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 34 South Atlantic (Senegal) |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Senegalese tonguesole |
(cynoglossus senegalensis) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 34 South Atlantic (Senegal) |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Common sole |
(solea vulgaris) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 34 South Atlantic (Senegal) |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Ocellated wedge sole |
(dicologlossa hexophthalma) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 34 South Atlantic (Senegal) |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Senegalese sole |
(solea senegalensis ) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 34 South Atlantic (Senegal) |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Yelowtail Flounder |
(Limanda ferruginea) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 21 Atlantic Northeast, FAO 27 Atlantic Northeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Limande |
(limanda limanda) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 21 Atlantic Northeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Cod icefish |
(patagonotothen ramsayi / notothenia ramsayi) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 41 Atlantic Southeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Witch Flounder |
(glyptocephalus cynoglossus) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 21 Atlantic Northeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Southwest Atlantic hake |
(merluccius hubbsi) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 41 Atlantic Southwest |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Hoki Hake |
(macruronus magellanicus) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 41 Atlantic Southeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Patagonian grenadier |
(macruronus magellanicus) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 41 Atlantic Southeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Cape hake |
(merluccius capensis) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 47 Atlantic Southeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Cape Hake Fillets |
(merluccius capensis) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 47 Atlantic Southeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Black dogfish |
(centroscyllium fabricii) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 21 Atlantic Northeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Scald fish |
(arnoglossus kessleri) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 34 South Atlantic (Senegal) |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Atlantic wolf-fish |
(anarhichas lupus) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 21 Atlantic Northeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Mackerel icefish |
(champsocephalus gunnari) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 41 Atlantic Southeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Blue ling |
(molva dypterygia) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 21 Atlantic Northeast, FAO 27 Atlantic Northeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Silver scabbard fish |
(lepidopus caudatus) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 47 Atlantic Southeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
American plaice |
(hippoglossoides platessoiddes) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 21 Atlantic Northeast, FAO 27 Atlantic Northeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Southern blue whiting |
(micromesistius australis) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 41 Atlantic Southeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Argentine shortfin squid |
(illex argentinus) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 41 Atlantic Southeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Flying squid |
(todarodes sagittatus) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 47 Atlantic Southeast (Namibia) |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Argentine shortfin squid Tubes |
(illex argentinus) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 41 Atlantic Southeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Shortfin squid |
(Illex coindetii) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 34 South Atlantic (Senegal) |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Common Octopus |
(octopus vulgaris) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 34 South Atlantic (Senegal) |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Monk |
(lophius upsicephalus) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 47 Atlantic Southeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Spotback skate |
(atlantoraja castelnaui ) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 41 Atlantic Southeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Blue skate |
(raja batis) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 27 Atlantic Northeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Thornback ray |
(raja Clavata) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 34 South Atlantic (Senegal) |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Patagonian toothifish |
(dissostichus eleginoides) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 88 (Antartic), FAO 88 (Pacific Ocean), FAO 48 (Antartic) |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Chilenean Kingklip |
(genypterus blacodes) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 41 Atlantic Southeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Chilenean Kingklip Fillets |
(genypterus blacodes) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 41 Atlantic Southeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Kingklip |
(genypterus capensis) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 47 Atlantic Southeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
West African goatfish |
(pseudupeneus prayensis) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 34 South Atlantic (Senegal) |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Sand sole |
(solea lascaris) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 34 South Atlantic (Senegal) |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Cyclope Sole |
(pegusa triophthalma) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 34 South Atlantic (Senegal) |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Cardinalfish |
(epigonus telescopus) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 21 Atlantic Northeast, FAO 27 Atlantic Northeast |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |
Banded Sole |
(microchirus wittei) |
Country of Origin: |
FAO 34 South Atlantic (Senegal) |
Fishing Method: |
Wild Caught. |