Angler-filet with potatoes


25 gr. butter, 4 eggs, flour, 1/2 Kg. potatoes, 2 garlic cloves, broth of fish, 1 onion, salt, 8 piquillo- peppers, pepper, 1/2 Kg. rape of south africa Pereira, 1 green pepper, extra virgin olive oil


Defrost the Pereira South African angler, season it and sauté it with olive oil in a pan. Fill the red peppers with the rape. Roll the filled peppers in slightly whipped egg and flour. Fry them and keep them for later. In a pan, poach the chopped onion, the red pepper and two cloves of garlic. When suitably brown, add a spoonful of flour. Allow it to cook, and add enough fish stock to cover the red peppers, plus a pinch of pepper. Add the filled red peppers in the sauce and bake at 390º F for approximately 8 minutes. Soufflé potatoes: cut the potatoes and boil them in salted water. Remove the potatoes out of the water and dry them on the heat. Mash the potatoes, add two egg yolks and the butter until obtaining a thick paste. Mold the paste into small croquettes with a spoon. Roll them in egg and flour, and fry.

Time to prepare: 50min

Christmas Scallops


4 tablespoons olive oil, breadcrumbs, 2 garlic cloves, 1 cup white wine, salt, 1 branch of parsley, 2 tablespoon sweet paprika, 4 onions, 1 pemento vermello, 8 scallops Galician clean Pereira, 1 tablespoon white pepper


Let the Pereira clean Galicia scallops fully defrost. Poach the finely chopped onion, the garlic, the parsley and the red pepper in a pan, with three spoonfuls of oil, for 15 minutes. Then, add the white wine, the paprika and the white pepper, and let this simmer for 10 more minutes. After this, remove from the heat. Pre-heat the oven to 390º F for about 15 minutes. Cover each Pereira clean Galicia scallop with the onion sauce, and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Bake this scallop dish for about 15 minutes more. (A ship cook's secret: This dish is even more delicious if the breadcrumbs are obtained from stale bread, gently warmed in the oven.)

Time to prepare: 50min

Hake Casserolle


3 tablespoons olive oil, 6 asparagus ,1 garlic cloves, 1/2 onion, parsley, 1 tomato, 8 slices of namibian hake Pereira, 2 morrón pepper


Poach a finely chopped half onion, garlic and tomato in an earthen pan in 3 spoonfuls of virgin olive oil, on a moderate heat. When hot, add the Pereira Namibia hake slices. Season as desired, add parsley and allow all this to cook for approximately 10 minutes. Then, adorn it with the asparagus and the peppers. Side this preparation with baked or fried potatoes, which are to be added at the time of serving.

(A cook's secret: If the sauce is not thick enough, add a teaspoonful of corn starch.)

Time to prepare: 20min

Kidney Beans with Squid


olive oil, 2 garlic cloves, 200 gr. onion, 1 big red pepper, 1 block of squid clean Pereira, 300 gr. baked beans, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley


Let the block of Pereira clean squid defrost. Chop the onion, the garlic cloves, and the red pepper. Place them in a pan. Sauté in olive oil, over a low heat. Add the desired seasoning, plus two spoonfuls of finely chopped parsley. Once the garlic and the pepper are poached, add the Pereira clean squid, previously chopped. Allow them to cook over a low heat for approximately 10-15 minutes. Then, add the tomato and allow the preparation to cook for 10 more minutes. Add the cooked kidney beans, let this simmer for a couple of minutes, and it is ready to enjoy.

Time to prepare: 50min

Lemon Mahi Mahi Loins


. olive oil, 100 gr. flour, 4 potatoes, salt (to taste), 1 glass of broth of fish, juice of 1 lemon, 2 onions, 6 loins Mahi Mahi Pereira


Defrost the Pereira Mahi Mahi loins, cover them in flour, season them and fry over a low heat. Then, keep on a tray suitable for the oven. Chop the onion and stir fry it over a low heat. Add the fish stock. When the onion is fried, add lemon juice and process the whole mixture. Cover the Pereira Mahi Mahi loins with this sauce completely. Then, bake for 5-10 minutes at a moderate temperature. Meanwhile, peel and cut the potatoes in cubes, fry them and serve them siding the loins.
(A ship cook's secret: We suggest that the potatoes should be fried at the last minute, and should not be added to the dish until serving, so that these do not lose crispiness in contact with the sauce.)

Time to prepare: 20min

Marine Style Skewers


salt, oil, cherry tomatoes, pepper, 1 pemento vermello, 8 scallops Galician clean Pereira, 4 lemons, 300 gr. rape of south africa Pereira, 1 green pepper


Let the Pereira Galicia scallops and the Pereira South African angler defrost. Then, cut the angler and remove the scallops out of their valves. Wash, wipe and cut the lemons in half-moon shaped pieces. Also, wash the cherry tomatoes and chop the red peppers in small bits. Then, cut the Pereira South African angler in pieces and add the desired seasoning. Spread oil on the pieces of angler and the scallops. Skew the angler, the scallops, the lemon bits, the tomatoes and the pepper bits, combining these ingredients as desired. Finally, cook on the grill, over a high heat. Add a pinch of pepper.
(A ship cook's secret: The best thing is to skew the ingredients first, and then pour oil over the ingredients and the skewers. This will prevent the skewers from burning.)

Time to prepare: 15min

Shrimps Tierramar Style


olive oil, 60 gr. butter, 2 garlic cloves, 1/2 onion, salt, parsley, 2 (leaves) laurel, 1/2 carrot 200 gr. Shrimps Argentine Pereira, 100 gr. fresh mushrooms, 50 gr. ham, coñac


Peel defrosted Pereira Argentine shrimps, but keep the tails. Cook the shrimp heads in water, in a pan. Brown the chopped onion, the carrot, and the parsley in butter, in a frying pan, for 6 minutes. Add a bay leave and a shot of cognac a few minutes before completion. Then, add a spoonful of corn starch and a glass of the water in which the shrimp heads were cooked. Process the fried ingredients. Place the sauce thus obtained in a pan, and add the shrimps. Allow them to cook for 3 minutes. In another frying pan, sauté the mushrooms cut in thin slices with some finely chopped garlic and ham. Serving instructions: place the shrimps on a vegetable bed, and cover the shrimps with the sauce. Decorate with a sprig of parsley.

Time to prepare: 20min

Squid Rings Casserole


2 tablespoons olive oil, 4 potatoes, 2 garlic cloves, 1 onion, 1/2 cup white wine, salt, saffron, 1 carrot, 1 box of squid clean cutting Pereira, 1 cup water, 1 tomato


Cut the onions, the carrot, the tomato and the garlic in pieces. Poach them in a casserole, along with two spoonfuls of oil. Add defrosted Pereira chopped clean squid to the poached ingredients. Add a glass of water and half a glass of wine with a pinch of saffron. Add dressing as desired, and allow the preparation to simmer for 10 minutes. Then, add four potatoes in small cubes. Allow this to cook over a low heat for 20 minutes more, and it is ready to serve.

Time to prepare: 30min

Surprise Hake Fillets


breadcrumbs, 1 onion, 2 garlics, 12 Shrimps Argentine Pereira, 8 Namibian hake fillets skinless Pereira, 250 gr. mushrooms, 1/2 pemento vermello, butter or oil


Chop the onion, the red pepper and the garlic, and brown them in a frying pan with three spoonfuls of oil, on a low heat. Meanwhile, chop the mushrooms and add them to the onion preparation when it is brown. Then, let the Pereira Argentine shrimps defrost, peel them and chop them in three or four pieces each. Add them to the frying pan and stir fry. Grease the oven tray with butter and place four Pereira Namibia hake fillets without skin on it. Cover each fillet with the frying pan preparation, and cover this with four more fillets. Join each pair of fillets with toothpicks. Then, cover the fillets with breadcrumbs, and bake for 15 minutes in the oven, at 340º F.

Time to prepare: 35min